THE 50 + 1 RULE

In modern football there has been rising arguments about the sanity of the game. Football; created by the poor stolen by the rich is a phrase commonly echoed. Since 2003 there have been 18 takeovers involving premiership clubs alone. However only 1 owner out of the top 12 deals ever was an English man. Technically we are in uncharted waters in terms of football financing. Outrageous player prices with no sort of control and clubs seemingly making money prioritizing decisions every single time in a game that belongs to the fans. Don't get me wrong, there has been attempted reforms. UEFA's financial fair play which technically was a joke and an often suggested one the 50+1 rule. This begs the question, what is the 50 +1 rule? How has it influenced German football and should it be implemented everywhere? The 50+1 rule is a rule that has shaped German football ever since the commercialization of football. It infers that German clubs will not be able to sell more than 49.9999% of it...